Monday, September 25, 2006

Jibing Better - with video

I finally began hitting my gybes consistently on flat water behind the Red Cedar Point on Sunday. You know you've hit a new level when you don't need to water-start or uphaul for 20+ minutes, and your wetsuit and hair dries out from just rippin back and forth and carvin gybes. Even dry, non-planing gybes like this one shot by my brother Keith made my day:

Now on to jumps, vulcans, and maybe that forward. There could be some good ocean sailing on Sunday, but I'd feel much better doing it with a nose guard attached (will it ever arrive from Europe?)....

1 comment:

Jeff, aka Peconic Jeff said...

Thank you Filip for your comments! At the most popular spots I've seen 15-20 windsurfers, but at my favorite flat water spot (where the gybe video was shot), I've seen at most 3 sailors (and there's plenty room for more)

Link to Filip's page.

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