Sunday, September 09, 2007

Windsurfing Labor Day 2007 (with video)

Red Cedar Point Flatwater - Labor Day '07 Session (direct youtube link)

Labor Day 2007 - SW wind in the upper teens at the Red Cedar Point sandbar on Peconic Bay. Jeff, Guillermo & Carlos work on jibes, planing jibes, duck jibes, and backwind jibes, while Flying Felipe gets mega air with his kite. The video stops 15 seconds before the end just as the credits come up (this seems to be a iMovie '08 / Youtube bug), but they simply list the Windsurfers & Kiter, and Videographer (Chiaying).


Anonymous said...

Great video!
Red Cedar rocks! Hopefully we will have one more windy weekend there.

Jeff, aka Peconic Jeff said...


Looks like we'll get one last SW day on Saturday, and Sunday doesn't look too bad either (for NW). I'll probably end up missing you guys since I'll be at the ABK clinic Fri-Sun, but send me an e-mail (on my profile page) -- I have some good shots from the most recent day.


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